太田祐 おおた・ゆう Yu Ota
オーストラリア永住の野鳥ガイド・野鳥研究家。オーストラリアの野鳥観察に関し日本における草分け的存在で、TV番組や書籍、各SNS、機内誌などを通じ最大の情報発信者である。アジア人初の700Club(オーストラリア産鳥類リストが700種類以上ある人の名誉クラブ)に当時若干36歳で加入した。オーストラリア産鳥類リストは20台半ばでの移住者としては驚異的な現在740種。Birdlife AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア野鳥の会)が長年行なっているセスジムシクイ類調査の調査リーダーや運営委員を務めており、豪国内でも全国的な知名度を持っている。QPWS(クィーンズランド州政府 野生動物・国立公園管理局)に職務番号および現役の従業員ID番号も保有するほぼバイリンガル。オーストラリア永住権やバスツアー事業認可、国立公園や自然保護区の営利使用認可、救急処置資格、衛星携帯電話、海外添乗員資格(国交省)なども保有。オーストラリア有数の探鳥エリアであるアサートン高原にある4000坪の自宅兼民宿【ジョンストンベンドキャビン】及び【AAK ロッジ】で野鳥や動物を見つつ暮らしている。コロナ禍の混乱に乗じて開始した地方でのバス会社事業も急成長し、有名会計事務所から『ケアンズ随一のビジネス』と評された。
日時: Sunday March 11th, 11am.
場所: On the lawn between the Esplanade Lagoon and the Yacht Club/Salthouse. For map see here.
内容: A fun day with friends and family where we will join together and form the message ‘Save Our Reef’.
詳細: https://www.getup.org.au/cairns-event-rsvp
URGENT ACTION – ‘Save Our Reef’
Sunday 11th March: 11am
On the lawn between the Esplanade Lagoon and the Yacht Club/Salthouse. For map see here.
On Sunday a team from UNESCO will be arriving in Cairns as part of their investigation into threats to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. This is the last opportunity to ensure they leave Australia with one clear message – Australians are standing up for the reef and want to see urgent action to protect it.
UNESCO (The United Nations body charged with designating and protecting World Heritage sites) has taken this extraordinary step of coming to Australia to investigate for themselves, as the Australian Government didn’t even tell them that they’d approved the development of massive coal seam gas and coal export facilities on the doorstep to the Reef. UNESCO now has the opportunity to declare the Great Barrier Reef ‘in danger’, which would be a huge blow to the mining industry’s expansion around Gladstone and deeply embarrassing for the Australian government.
UNESCO are meeting with scientists, environment groups, state government, fishing and tourism industry representatives, local councils and mining companies, but one group’s missing: the Australian community.Let’s send them a message they’ll remember! If enough of us get together on Sunday we can create a massive message that will be seen from the sky which says ‘Save Our Reef’. It’s part of UNESCO’s mission to take the community’s views into account, so if we show up in force, it will push UNESCO to officially list the reef as “under threat,” which, in turn, will greatly embarrass the Federal Government, draw welcome media attention to the destruction of the reef, and strengthen our case for the Government to stop dredging and industrial developments around the reef until a strategic plan is put in place that protects the reef.
We need to show them that Australians care deeply about the reef, and that we are willing to stand up for it. Can you come along with your friends and family and join with your community in standing up for the Great Barrier Reef? RSVP for this Sunday’s community action here: https://www.getup.org.au/cairns-community-action
WHEN: Sunday March 11th, 11am.
WHERE: On the lawn between the Esplanade Lagoon and the Yacht Club/Salthouse. For map see here.
WHAT: A fun day with friends and family where we will join together and form the message ‘Save Our Reef’.
RSVP: https://www.getup.org.au/cairns-event-rsvp
The fragile ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef reef is already under pressure from climate change, overfishing, pollution and shipping traffic. Now these huge coal seam gas and mining industry export developments along the coast, some within the World Heritage Area, threaten the Reef’s very existence.
This overdevelopment and destruction has got to stop. We can’t all meet with UNESCO – but we can stand up for the Great Barrier Reef. This Sunday UNESCO arrives in Cairns. Can you be part of a community action, along with CAFNEC (Cairns and Far North Environment Centre), GetUp, The Wilderness Society and Greenpeace to send a clear message to UNESCO that Australians want to save the reef?
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